Cyprus travel guide: Unravelling The Jewel of The Mediterranean

Welcome to the Island of Cats!

Cyprus is undoubtedly one of the most important countries to us in the entire World, so we will try not to be biassed.

Considered a true gem nestled in the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus has long been a captivating destination for travellers seeking a rich blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Cyprus is where mythology intertwines with archaeological wonders and also where you will find the last divided capital in Europe - Nicosia. Cyprus encapsulates influences not only from the Greek and Roman, but also from the Ottoman and British empires, which make it such an interesting and diverse destination.  

With its sun-kissed beaches, picturesque vineyards, and rugged mountain ranges, Cyprus offers a vast collection of experiences for every type of adventurer. Let’s discover Cyprus together, shall we?

  • Why is Cyprus so important to us?

Cyprus holds a special place in our hearts for countless reasons. 

When we first moved there to complete a nursing internship, we were far from imagining it would become HOME for three incredible months. During this time, we connected with its rich culture and warm-hearted people that make this island so unique - and in a blink of an eye, they all became family. 

A few years later, we got engaged in Cyprus - could we ask for a better place? Naaaaah. We’ve just created an unbreakable bond between our love story and our love for Cyprus. Since then, we have returned each year to relive the cherished memories and to reconnect with our dear friends - Cyprus has become an irreplaceable part of our lives.

  • When to visit Cyprus?

Throughout the years, Cyprus has proved to be a year-round travel destination. Having said that, our favourite times to visit the island are from April to June and from September to October. 

During spring months Cyprus bursts into life with mild temperatures, and fewer crowds. This may be the perfect time to explore the ancient ruins, hike through breathtaking trails, or simply relax on the multiple paradisiac beaches. Similarly, autumn months offer pleasant weather, less tourists and still warm waters ideal for swimming.

Still not convinced? Keep reading for our favourite things to do in Cyprus! 

Explore the Paradisiac Beaches of Famagusta District

Renowned for their pristine sandy shores and its crystal-clear turquoise waters, the two coastal towns of Ayia Napa and Protaras have become synonymous with beach lover's paradise. 

One thing we know for sure: you will fall in love with Cyprus Blue Flag beaches! It is hard to choose a favourite one, but these are our top 3:

Ayia Napa's Nissi Beach - it is famous for its golden sand and lively atmosphere, and it stands as the most visited beach in Cyprus! It attracts large crowds of tourists and locals alike due to its perfect combination of natural beauty with igniting music and beach parties! 

Protara’s Fig Tree Bay - well known for its crystal-clear waters (probably the most clear in Cyprus!), it gained its name from the fig trees that grow in its shores! Fig Tree Bay is not only a paradise for the beach lovers, but also the perfect beach if you are looking for more adventurous water sports. Due to its calm and clear water, it makes Fig Tree Bay one of the best places to explore the underwater World if you are a fan of snorkelling. 

Konnos Beach - defining the border between the municipality of Protaras and Ayia Napa, this is Rui’s favourite Cypriot beach. Surrounded by enormous cliffs, Konnos beach offers a unique and picturesque scenery. 

Ayia Napa and Protaras have undoubtedly cemented Cyprus as a perfect beach destination, but Cypriot culture is far from being constricted to these towns! Make sure you explore the rest of the island for a true Cypriot experience! 

Eat as a local in a cypriot tavern

Cypriot traditional food comprises a rich heritage that reflects the island's historical influences from Greece, Turkey and the Middle East. 

Mezze - a style of dining - dominates Cypriot cuisine, offering a huge variety of small dishes bursting with delicious flavours. For us, Cypriot traditional food wouldn’t be the same without halloumi (Bruno’s only addiction!), fresh olives and warm pita bread. 

If you haven’t tried Cypriot Souvlaki - juicy marinated meat skewers grilled to perfection - and Moussaka - a layered dish of minced meat, eggplant, and béchamel sauce, your trip to Cyprus will never be complete! 

Make sure you visit a traditional Cypriot tavern for a real and unique experience. Usually adorned with rustic decor, these taverns offer a cosy environment and serve traditional mezzes and main courses, accompanied by local wines and spirits (many will offer complimentary Zivania shots, one of their traditional drinks!). These taverns are where the aromas of grilled meat, aromatic herbs, and spices have the power to make you travel in time surrounded by one of the richest and warmest cultures in Europe.


Turtle watching in Cyprus is an extraordinary experience (and Rui’s favourite thing to do!) as it offers a glimpse into the enchanting world of these ancient creatures.

From May to October, the amazing beaches of Cyprus become a sanctuary for two species of sea turtles – the loggerhead and the green turtle. As the sun sets, you will be rewarded with the magical sight of female turtles emerging from the clear sea to lay their precious eggs in the soft sand of Cyprus beaches. 

Conservation efforts have made Cyprus a vital nesting site for these magnificent creatures. There are multiple volunteering programs around the island where dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to protect the fragile nesting grounds. Observing the serene sight of tiny baby turtles making their arduous journey towards the sea is both heartwarming and a true privilege. 

Turtle watching in Cyprus is not only a thrilling adventure, but also a testament to the importance of preservation and coexistence with nature. You can also join a boat tour and swim with Turtles in their natural environment. We wish we didn’t need to say this, but please make sure you respect them and their natural surroundings. 

You can check the tour we joined by simply clicking here!

Explore nicosia, the World’s last divided Capital

Nicosia is the last divided city in the entire World (to the best of our knowledge) and it breaks our heart to testify the extent and context of this division. Even though this is one of those experiences we are not a fan of, we truly believe it is extremely important so we all learn the consequences of war and how that can damage our peace and freedom. 

As you stroll through the streets of Nicosia, it is impossible to miss the division line - the Green Line. The Green Line is named because at the time of the ceasefire, a line was drawn on the map using a green pencil. Since then, it symbolises the separation of two parallel universes where 2 different worlds exist side by side. As you walk alongside this line, you will notice barrels, barbed wire, bullet holes, guards and flags and you will clearly feel the tension that still remains all these years later. 

You can cross the border simply by walking through Leda Street but please be mindful you will need to show your passport at the checkpoint before you proceed to the opposite side. 

This history is as sad as it is fascinating and understanding the relationship between Cyprus and the illegally occupied (by the Turkish) part of Cyprus will only make you appreciate this beautiful country even more. 

Visit Famagusta

Visiting Famagusta, the ghost town, is a surreal experience that offers a glimpse into a forgotten world frozen in time. 

Once a bustling city on the coast of Cyprus and one of the most developed in the region, Famagusta now stands abandoned and hauntingly still. Until very recently, it was completely impossible to visit the city, however Turkish authorities are slowly opening the city gates in an attempt to gradually rebuild it - which according to Cypriot authorities, consists of a breach in initial post-war agreements.

We visited the ghost city in the company of our Cypriot friend who’s originally from there and who saw her family lose EVERYTHING during the war. One of the darkest experiences we have had in our entire lives. 

 As we walked through the silent streets, the buildings (in various states of decay) are purely the remnants of a vibrant past. Nature is slowly reclaiming its territory and the atmosphere is heavy with a mixture of melancholy and curiosity. Every corner tells a story of a disrupted existence, leaving you with a feeling that lingers long after leaving. 

For those with an appreciation for history and a curiosity about the consequences of War, a visit to Famagusta provides a unique opportunity to witness the haunting reality of a forgotten city. 

Our hearts are with those who lost their lives, their loved ones, their properties and wealth during these dark times. We can only hope for a successful resolution of the conflict that still imposes great sadness to thousands of people.

Dive in Cyprus’ Natural beauty and ancient history

Cyprus is a mesmerising Mediterranean island and you guessed it right: it is filled with stunning natural landscapes that will simply captivate your soul. 

Along its coastline, you will find some of the most breathtaking views and the Sea Caves and the Cape Cavo Greco are undoubtedly our favourites. But there is something for every taste and the Aphrodite’s Rock, Adonis Baths or even Akamas Peninsula have the potential to become your next favourite thing in Cyprus!

Moving further inland, the Troodos Mountains rise majestically, adorned with lush green forests and speckled with charming mountain villages where tasting Cypriot food and wine is a must! Omodos and Kalopanayiotis are our absolute favourites! Be mindful that if you visit Cyprus during the Winter, Troodos Mountains is a famous destination for winter sports and adventure.

As you already know, Cyprus is very rich in historical significance and it has several remarkable ancient sites. One of the most important among them is the ancient city of Kourion. This archaeological site showcases the remnants of a once-thriving Roman city, including a magnificent Greco-Roman theatre that once hosted epic performances. Besides that, Tombs of the Kings in Paphos is a testament to the elaborate burial rituals of ancient Cyprus. Finally, the Sanctuary of Aphrodite is a sacred site dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty. 

The rich history of Cyprus' ancient sites reveals the lost stories and offers a glimpse into the legacy of the island's past.

  • Where to stay in Cyprus

We often choose to stay in Limassol for the majority of our trips to Cyprus as this is the city where we lived and where most of our friends actually live. We also believe that due to its location, it allows you to visit a lot of interesting spots within a short trip. 

If you are planning to stay in Limassol, we would highly recommend S Paul City Hotel, right in the heart of the city.  From the moment you step foot inside this unique boutique hotel, you are captivated by its grandeur and attention to detail. The hotel boasts an extraordinary fusion of contemporary design and timeless elegance, creating an inviting and luxurious atmosphere. 

The team at S Paul City Hotel is simply the best and made us feel at home right from the beginning. Being a gay couple, this is something we truly value and we wouldn’t recommend it if we were not certain you will have an unforgettable stay. 


You’re probably thinking “I don’t need travel insurance. Cyprus is quite safe”. As much as the last part of that statement is true, accidents happen when we least expect it and there is nothing more terrifying than getting hurt abroad, where we don’t always understand the health system nor the language. Also, there is this misconception that travel insurance is really expensive, which couldn’t be far from the truth! 

If you are looking for travel insurance for your trip to Cyprus, we would recommend IATI , which is the company we use when travelling. As our reader you will get 5% off your travel insurance!

Always remember: Better Safe Than Sorry!