For us, meditation is like finding a safe place within yourself, protected from all the atrocities of the outside world! 

We usually portray the universe as something that exists out there, far far away, when in fact we believe it lives right inside of every single cell of our bodies.  We have always been in love with the Universe and we like to say that’s  exactly where we go when we meditate… We levitate freely and we are surrounded by stardust and other sorts of energy… And we just go! 

Do you want to know more about our journey? We will answer your most asked questions down below! 

  • Meditation simply feels like a medicine to us. You take it until you feel balanced and in peace. Then you slow it down until you feel the need to go back to it again. As simple as that. The best part? It costs nothing! The only thing it requires is your body to stop, to leave all the stress and all the work-related problems behind and simply go… deep and far away!

    The most interesting thing about it is the fact that it's a process. It’s not like we started meditating and then out of the blue we became angels in constant peace - that’s not the case at all! We must admit we are just as human as you reading this and you’re probably thinking “I wish I could meditate one day”! As we mentioned, we went from being skeptical to the point where we challenged ourselves to meditate for 60 consecutive days and no words can describe how much we loved those 60 days!

  • Before meditation appeared in our lives, we reckon we were too anxious and our minds were filled with useless stuff. In fact, we were lost and we hadn’t realised! Rui started meditating when he was a child and introduced Bruno to this amazing world of spirituality and meditation without ever forcing anything - it was not easy in the very beginning and Bruno used to make fun of him. He used to say “I'm too busy for that” or “I need to see it to believe it”.

    For Bruno, it all started one day, out of the blue, somewhere in 2017. Suddenly, he felt like he was being summoned and he felt the need to open YouTube, put his earphones on and lay in bed. The rest is history: he did his first ever guided meditation!

  • We are no experts at all and we have never done any sort of course on this subject, but as we started enjoying meditation, we simply tried to learn more about it!

    First of all, meditation is not a medical treatment you're supposed to abide by! It has to do with the practice of various techniques such as Mindfulness or focusing on a particular subject/object, in order to exercise your ability to pay attention, to raise your awareness or to let go of dense, bad and toxic energy you may accumulate throughout your day or, in many cases, throughout your life!

    Meditation is like a workout. You start small and then you grow stronger.

  • There’s a misconception out there that you can only meditate if you cross your legs and you say “hum” and most importantly you need to behave and dress like buddha!

    Did you know you can meditate whilst running or cooking?

    That's right, if you're running and you're feeling the sun; if you're enjoying each and every breath you take. For us, that’s also meditation!

    The human race usually fears the unknown, and for many years meditation was seen as something those crazy or alternative people would do, and this couldn't be further from the truth. We like to look at meditation as a blessing - as a way of living!

    Meditation is something so simple, so unique, so personal, that allows you to understand your pain, your feelings, your emotions, to lower your stress levels, to connect with the energy within yourself.

    So, the answer is: No. You don’t need to sit down and say “hum” to meditate.

  • Meditation is simpler than most people think but it requires practice. We prepared a few guided meditations so there are no excuses to get started!

    Always remember:

    • Do something for your body.

    • Do something for your mind.

    • Do something for your relationships.

    Let the healing begin!






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